Comprar Matrix Cintas de Correr en el retailer de Fitness Nº1 de Europa
Practica el running para mejorar tu condición física y activar la quema de grasas.
Equipamiento de Cintas de Correr Matrix ofrecen un buen fundamento para un entrenamiento efectivo, por ejemplo para adelgazar. Con la gama de productos Matrix alcanzarás tu objetivo fácilmente. Sólo debes mostrar tu voluntad, empezando a entrenar.
En Stock
Matrix Fitness – Gym quality at home
Fitness equipment from Matrix is known worldwide as a first class gym brand. Now you have the chance to bring the premium collection into your home. A comprehensive range of equipment, with varying console configurations, so it is suited for every training and training goal. The Matrix Treadmill TF50 xir is highly robust, foldable and has professional and joint-friendly properties.5 993,92 €-
En StockThe Matrix TF50 Treadmill xr is characterised by first-class equipment, good dampening, comfortable running smoothness, powerful and low-maintenance DC motor and excellent stability. 5 Training programmes provide variety to your cardio workout and support you in achieving your goals.4 546,87 €
En StockThe Matrix TF50 Treadmill xer is the ideal companion for ambitious workout units within your own four walls thanks to the new damping system and the powerful 3.25 HP motor. In addition to the pre-installed workouts and workout programmes, the XER console is compatible with many entertainment apps like YouTube or the MyFitness app. You also have access to two video stretches (Virtual Active) that adapt to your running speed.5 477,12 €
Fitshop prueba exhaustivamente todos los artículos de Fitness. Nuestro equipo, compuesto por científicos del deporte, deportistas de alto rendimiento y técnicos con muchos años de experiencia, ofrecen su valoración para las diferentes categorías.
Con el Test de Fisthop puedes comparar fácilmente los productos entre sí y seleccionar el aparato más adecuado para tu entrenamiento.